Category Archives: Grammar and Language

Apostrophe S and Plural S

Lot’s of Video’s and Thoma’s the Tank Engines Merchandise

Really?  This lovely message was seen today in a newsagent’s window.

Just pluralising something does not need an apostrophe.
Add as many numbers of things as you like, you do not need to apostracise it.

But if something belongs to something then it needs a belonging apostrophe.

Sophie’s Choice: The choice belonging to Sophie.
Sophies’ Choice: Lots of Sophies making a choice, possibly a cafe?

Thomas the Tank Engine’s Track: The track belongs to Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engines Track: Some weird activity that lots of Thomases do when they get together.

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Posted by on January 18, 2012 in Grammar and Language


Few and Less, Fewer and Lesser

Few is for numbers of things.
Few rhymes with You.

There can be fewer people, fewer numbers and fewer trees etc.

Fewer things can be counted.

There can not be fewer sugar or fewer custard.

Less is for an amount.

Less Mess, less sugar, less sand.

Less is for a quantity of something.

You can not have less people but you can have less money.

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Posted by on January 6, 2012 in Grammar and Language


Their, There and They’re

They’re over there, they’ve bought their picnic!

They’re is self explanatory: It is a short form of “They Are”

Their means belonging to them. A good way to remember the meaning of this word is that it has a little person in the middle:

so it is a good way to remember that it is their item.

There is the opposite of Here. It is a place, Here or There. 

Once you have learned the differences of these three different words, then your brain will recognise them by the meaning and it will jump when you see it spelled wrong in the wrong place.

Their over They’re, they have bought there picnic. Doh!

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Posted by on January 5, 2012 in Grammar and Language